-: Functions in C++ :-
Function is a block of code, which created once and reused it again and again in our programme anywhere when needed.
Function runs when it is called inside the program. To serve different purposes(operations) create different functions.
- Basic Syntax of Function in C++ is written below -
using namespace std;
DataType FunctionName( Parameter1, parameter 2,.......){
Return WriteOperationToBePerformed(example +, -, *, / etc);
int main() {
cout<<FunctionName(value1, value2,......) ;
return 0 ;
-:Let's See one example for how to create and use functions:-
using namespace std;
int AddFunc(int X, int Y) {
return X + Y; }
int SubFunc(int A, int B) {
return A - B; }
int MulFunc(int P, int Q) {
return P * Q; }
int DivFunc(int M, int N) {
return M/N ;}
int main() {
cout<<"Summation of X & Y = " <<AddFunc(10, 5) <<endl;
cout<<"Subtraction of A & B= " <<SubFunc(50, 20) <<endl;
cout<<"Product of P & Q = " <<MulFunc(15, 2) <<endl;
cout<<"Division of M & N = " <<DivFunc(40,20) <<endl;
return 0 ;
output :- Summation of X & Y = 15
Subtraction of A & B= 30
Product of P & Q = 30
Division of X & Y = 2
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let's understand that what happened above -
- firstly we created a function with FunctionName SumFunc() and passed two parameters as container to contain those values which are to be added at the time of function run.
- where we took X and Y as parameter-1 and parameter-2 respectively.
- similarly we created 3 another functions for subtraction, multiplication and division.
- After successfully creating all functions we simply called these functions by their FunctionName [SumFunc(), SubFunc(), MulFunc(), DivFunc()]. it is not necessary to call these functions in same sequence, at a same time we can call either single or multiple functions too as we needed.
- On Calling Function, in the place of parameter-1 and parameter-2 we assigned directly values 10 and 5 respectively. You can put any value there.
- To avoid repetition of code to serve single purpose.
- To keep clean our programme.
- To make shorter our programme.
Must Read :-
What is function in programming language (Hindi explanation)
what is class in programming language C++
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