Tuesday 27 September 2022

What is Operators in C++| Types of Operators in C++ |Types of Operators in C Language |Arithmetic Operator in C++ |What is Operators in Programming Language|Operators in Computer |

-: Operators in Programming Languages :-

Operators - 

        In the programing Languages, operators are those symbols which are used between operands to perform any operation.

For Example :-    4 + 7 = 12


         (4) and (7) are Operands 

        (+) and (=) sign are Operators

 Types of Operators in C++ Language :-

  • Arithmetic Operators (+, -, *, /, %) 
  • Relational Operators (<, >, ==, !=, <=, >=) 
  • Logical Operators (&&, ||, !) 
  • Bitwise Operators (&, |, ~, ^, >>, <<) 
  • Increment Decrement Operators (++, - -) 
  • Assignment Operators (=, +=, - =, *=, /=) 
  • Conditional or Ternary Operators (?, :) 
  • Special or Other Operator (sizeof() ) 

Arithmetic Operators - 
        These Operators are used between operands to perform arithmetic mathematical operations. 

   A program to understand Arithmetic Operators :
using namespace std ;
int main() {
       int a = 10, b = 5;
       int c = a + b;
       cout<<"Addition Of Two Numbers = " <<c <<endl;
       int d = a - b ;
       cout<<"Difference of Two Numbers = " <<d <<endl;

       int e = a * b ;
       cout<<"Product of Two Numbers = " <<e <<endl;

      int f = a/b ;
      cout<<"Division of Two Numbers = " <<f <<endl;

      int g = a % b ;
      cout<<"Module of Two Numbers = " <<g ;

  return 0;



       Addition Of Two Numbers = 15

       Difference of Two Numbers = 5

       Product of Two Numbers = 50

       Division of Two Numbers =  2

       Module of Two Numbers =  0

where ,   Module

(%) gives us remainder as a results. 


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