Saturday 1 October 2022

Logical Operations in C++ |What is Logical Operator in C Language, C++ |What is Operator in C Language |What is Operator in programming Language |What is Operator in Computer |What is Logical Operator

 - :  Logical Operator  :-

  Operators are those symbols which are used between operands to perform Mathematical and Logical operations. 

   Logical Operators are those operators which are used to perform logical operations between two or more given statements or conditions to make sense that the given conditions are true or not.

   these operators gives us boolean (true or false) value as Output. if given condition is true, the displayed output will be 1 where if given condition is not true (means false), so the output will be 0.

     where,  1 means True

                    0 means False.

  Logical Operators includes following Symbols - 

[&&(logical And) , ||(logical Or) , !(logical Not)] 

in &&(logical and) operator, if given all the condition are true, then output will be true And if anyone in given conditions becomes false, then output will be false. 

Condition1.      & &     Condition2.             Output 

true         true           true

true          false        false

false          true        false

false        false         false

in ll(logical or) operator, either anyone or all the given conditions are true, then output will be true. if anything in the conditions is not true then output will be false. 

Condition1.       ll      Condition2.              Output 

true           true         true

true           false        true

false          true          true

false          false        false

in !(logical not)if given conditions are "true" , the displayed output will be "false". if given conditions are "false" , the output will be "true".

                    !(Condition)                      Output          

                       true             false

         false             true       


A Program to understand logical operators


using namespace std ;

int main() {

      int a=5, b=4, c=7, d=9;

      cout<<(a>b)&&(c>d) <<endl;

      cout<<(a>b)||(c>d)  <<endl;

      cout<<!(a>b) ;

return 0;



Output :-





let's understand what happened above

        initially we passed two conditions, where condition-1 is (a>b) which is "true" and condition-2 is (c>b), which is false. 

(1)using LOGICAL AND operator,    

           true   & &   false  =    false

(2)using LOGICAL OR operator, 

          true   ||      false  =     true 

(3)using LOGICAL NOT operator, 

         !(true)    =    false


     where,   true = 1 

                   false = 0


Must Read(click on the link below) :-

What is Operator in Programming Language 

What is Arithmetic Operator in Programming Language 

What is Relational Operator in C, C++ programming languages 

What is Logical Operator in C, C++ Language (Hindi Explanation) 

what is Bitwise Operator in C, C++

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