- : sizeof() operator :-
Operators are those symbols which are used between operands to perform Mathematical and Logical operations.
sizeOf() is a keyword which is used to determine the size of the variable or datatype in bytes.
sizeof (DataType)
A program for SizeOf() operator
using namespace std ;
int main () {
int a;
float b;
char c;
double d;
cout<<"size of integer = " <<sizeof(a) <<endl;
cout <<"size of float = " <<sizeof(b) <<endl;
cout<<"size of char = " <<sizeof(c) <<endl ;
cout<<"size of double = " <<sizeof(d) <<endl;
return 0 ;
Output :-
size of integer = 4
size of float = 4
size of char = 1
size of double = 8
must read other operators :-
What is Operator in Programming Language
What is Arithmetic Operator in Programming Language
What is Relational Operator in C, C++ programming languages
What is Logical Operators in C, C++ Programming Language (English Explanation)
What is Logical Operator in C, C++ Language (Hindi Explanation)
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